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Prohibited items

Antiques or precious stones

Weapons like flick knives swordsticks knuckle dusters

Equipment for using cannabis or methamphetamine

Anything that can be used in a crime

Motorcycle safety helmets

Hair or bristle including goods which incorporate hair or bristle

False and counterfeit money

Offensive weapons, viz knuckle dusters, knives incorporating knuckle dusters, sword sticks, flick and gravity knives

Arms, ammunition and military vehicles



Soil, sand, clay and earth

Chewing tobacco

Iron and steel

Radioactive substances

Controlled drugs, eg cocaine, cannabis, etc.

All explosives, arms, firearms

Matches containing white or yellow phosphorous

Rubber teats, soothers, pacifiers, etc.

Sawdust, wood waste and scrap

Banknotes or any other form currency

Books, magazines, periodicals, documents and sound recordings which are indecent

Animal manures

Endangered, threatened and exploited species

Whale products

Plants and plant seeds


Unprocessed fruit and plant products of all kinds

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