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Prohibited items

Knives automatically released from walking sticks, flick knives and gun


Pipes or other utensils for use in connection with the smoking of opium

Animals or any specific kind thereof or their carcasses, fodder, litter, dung or similar things

Any infringing copy of a work, whether printed, audio, video or other

Articles of food intended for human consumption which are unfit for the purpose

Books, pamphlets, leaflets, other printed literature, photographs, paintins, caricatures, audio or video tapes or any other type of printed, sound or visual media capable of suggesting words or ideas which are contrary to the public interest.)

Counterfeit coins or currency of Belize or of any other country

FIctitious postage stamps

Firearms having a disguised appearance such as a stylographic pen or pencil.

Indecent or obscene prints, paintings, photographs, books, cards, lithographic or other engravings, or any other indecent or obscene article

Opium, cocoa leaf, poppy straw, other danger drungs and psychotropic substances

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